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How to design a Node in Tree?

How to design a Node in Tree?

There are three main components of a tree in a node.

 1) Integer holding data.
2) Left pointer holding node in a left subtree.
3) Right pointer holding node in a right subtree.

The following design is having data of int type and left,right pointers of a node to the subtrees.

package com.BST;

public class Node {

 int data;
 Node left;
 Node right;
  * @return the data
 public Node(int data)
 public int getData() {
  return data;
  * @param data the data to set
 public void setData(int data) { = data;
  * @return the left
 public Node getLeft() {
  return left;
  * @param left the left to set
 public void setLeft(Node left) {
  this.left = left;
  * @return the right
 public Node getRight() {
  return right;
  * @param right the right to set
 public void setRight(Node right) {
  this.right = right;
 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
 public String toString() {
  return "Node [data=" + data + ", left=" + left + ", right=" + right
    + "]";




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