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Designing graph in JAVA

How to design a Graph in JAVA:-


package com.problems.graph;

public class Vertex{
  char label;
  boolean visited;
  public Vertex(char label){
Functions of Graphs
public class Graph {

 int maxsize=20;
 Vertex vertex[];
 int matrix[][];
 int vertexcount;
 Stack stackobj;

 public Graph()
  vertex = new Vertex[maxsize];
  matrix=new int[maxsize][maxsize];
  for(int i=0;i<maxsize;i++)
   for(int j=0;j<maxsize;j++)
  stackobj=new Stack();   
 public void addVertex(char label)
  vertex[vertexcount++]=new Vertex(label);
 public void addEdge(int i,int j)
 public void displyVertex(int v)
 public int adjVertex(int v)
  for(int i=0;i<maxsize;i++)
   if(matrix[v][i]==1 && vertex[i].visited==false )
    return i;
  return -1;



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