How to build a project in eclipse
with MAVEN build tool?
Step 1:-
Install maven and set the path in
my computer. Once path is set for java and maven you will get a screen
With version installed in your
Step 2:-
Write a command mvn
archetype:generate to build a project of your choice.This will give you a
option to select a project from list.
Step 3:- As soon as this
operation will complete maven give you choice to choose project.Search for
maven-archetype-webapp this will build a web project with basic structure.
Step4:- Follow the below
procedure to give name , version ,package ,artifact and group id of your
Step 5:- You will get screen with
build success.Congrats your project is build in directory.
Step 6: Go in the directory to
check for the folders automatically created by maven. You will get pom file and src folder and the package folder.
Step:-7 Move to the directry having pom.xml and run mvn
eclipse:eclipse command to convert the project into eclipse.
You will get a screen of
successful completion of project.
Step 10:- The following structure
you will get after import will be successful.
you directory in command prompt from normal directory and go to the same
project in eclipse workspace.
This is a maven bug in eclipse
first clean the project using command mvn eclipse :clean then again convert it
to mvn eclipse:eclipse project.After completing the steps again convert to
maven by selecting the same option.This
time you will be able to convert the project.
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