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Five things to know before starting a startup

Being an entrepreneur and having a startup is the best thing anyone can imagine in his/her life but what are the few things that needs to be remember before starting a startup? Here I am giving you the tips with my personal experience.

1.      Build a solid Idea – Startup is just an imagination and idea is the soul. Unless and until you don’t have a solid idea. It’s very hard to keep pace with business. Business wants money consumer wants service. If an idea can provide the audience what they are looking for, half of the journey can be won easily.

2.      Love your work- It’s the only work in whole of the earth that wants more than 100 percent of your output in your idea. If you are willing to pay more time than you are paying for normal job. It’s for you. Sometimes you need to work day and night while sometime you have to do continuous work without rest. Unless and until you don’t love your work, do not jump into startup.

3.      Focus on marketing – Marketing and advertisements are the pillars of success for any startup. From the first day you should have to make a strategy about how you are going to plan your business .is it by you or by your team. Mouth advertisement is the best advertisement so always try giving offers with your products and schemes. it helps to gain more customers and consumers.

4.      Choose good cofounders – Cofounders helps businesses to grow. Being an entrepreneur is the toughest journey anybody can imagine. Cofounders always motivate you to build dreams in your direction. Sometimes when you feel hopeless and willing to leave the startup. It’s the cofounders who will come to change your decisions. It’s somewhere said that two persons are more productive in startup then one alone.

5.      Start early- As soon as you get an idea start working on it. Check your competitors and design your path. Ideas are not copyrighted if you not use it for you someone else use it to build their dreams. Starting early can help you to succeed early. Every idea has a time use it before than its expiry time around the globe.


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