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5 books that your college doesn’t tell to read seriously for PLACEMENTS

1.              Let us C - It can be the best book to pick in your first semester itself. The book is written in a very simple style so you can easily grasp most of the concepts of programming by just working hard on it. It will help you in building basics of programming around c language.

2.              HEAD FIRST JAVA-This book you should buy in third semester and invest your whole second year into it by working on all the codes. This book will help you teaching the concepts in a very attractive way. You will never bore while working  through this book.

3.              Data Structure Made Easy In Java - As soon you finished studying core java in the 4th semester just pick this book to understand the logic’s of data structure and algorithms. It will help you to go deep inside this subject from which questions are frequently asked in all the interviews. This book carries a great set of problems that will help in developing intellectual knowledge around algorithms.

4.              Cracking The Coding Interview – This book you should start practicing in 6th semester that includes a set of 150 interview questions revolving around java codes. This book certainly helps you in mastering the java language and helping you to understand the interview pattern of various companies.

5.              Head First Design- This book you can choose for any time to understand the basics of design patterns like the method names, parameter passing, function calling, designing classes and many things. This book will certainly help you in grasping the fundamentals of design.



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